How can you help?
The HeartSmiles Organization cares for marginalized children in Ghana by providing the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing, education, and healthcare.
You can help us care for these children and others through donations.
DONATE ONLINESponsor a Child
$35.00 a month will support a child.
Fundraising Opportunities
We have had local schools run penny drives and churches hold garage sales. We’ve had local businesses donate services for auction. We welcome all viable ideas!
Amazon Smile 🙂 
You can support The HeartSmiles every time you shop on! All you have to do is follow the link below and select The HeartSmiles as your preferred charity. Each time you purchase an item, a portion of what you spend will automatically be donated to us. It’s that easy!
Amazon Smile 🙂 – The HeartSmiles
Corporate Sponsor
Your company can become a vital part of our reach by offering an employee matching program. Contact us to learn more.